“Excellence in care”
Expert Staff
Our staff have been noted for their caring attitude. Our guests are treated with kindness, compassion, respect and dignity. The team is led by Jennifer Davis who owns and manages the house.
All of our rooms have phone & television points, as well as resident’s internet access. We have a lift and wheelchair access. There is a resident’s garden and local access to shops and public transport.
Quality Care
The Care Quality Commission have given Garland House an overall Requires Improvement rating. However all aspects requiring improvement were rectified within 24 hours of the inspection. However due to COVID restrictions the CQC have been unable to re-inspect us.
We are a privately owned Residential Care Home. We provide care for up to 20 residents and we have the facilities to provide Respite Care as well as long term care for those who are over 65.
We have a great team of staff here at Garland House and I thoroughly enjoy my work and caring for our residents.